Sunday, December 29, 2013

Lo mejor de 2013: noviembre

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Con el año a punto de convertirse en su fin, la actualidad obligaba a analizar el escenario político, concretamente a las intenciones del PSOE sobre la compensación de pérdidas. ¡Vaya salsa!

El repaso que desde hace días estamos realizando sobre las noticias que con mayor fuerza captaron la atención de nuestros lectores, empieza a convertirse en su fin. Llegamos al mes de noviembre, penúltimo del curso.

Riess también hizo "algún mérito" para ser protagonista.Riess también hizo "algún mérito" para ser protagonista.

Desde hace años, noviembre tiene un papel importante en el mundo del poker. Es cuando se celebra la mesa final del Main Event de las WSOP, y por lo tanto, el mes en el que se corona a un nuevo ganador. Ryan Riess fue uno de los grandes protagonistas del mes, aunque no el único.

En España, se daba a conocer la intención de un grupo parlamentario para con la compensación de pérdidas del juego, lo que agitaba a la comunidad del poker como si de un avispero se tratara.

Veamos pues cuáles fueron las diez noticias más leídas y comentadas por nuestros lectores.

El PSOE solicita la cancelación de la compensación de pérdidas

Ésta fue la comidilla de la comunidad de poker española cuando noviembre estaba a punto de convertirse en su fin. El grupo socialista presentaba una Proposición de Ley con dicha intención, algo que nadie relacionado con el poker español era capaz de entender.

Adrián Mateos comenta su mesa final con Raúl Mestre

Recién llegado a España tras su periplo francés, el madrileño se acercaba a nuestras oficinas en Valencia para comentar junto al director de EducaPoker su actuación en la mesa final de las WSOPE. Un documento único que compartimos con vosotros gustosamente.

Ryan Riess, campeón y polémico

Con la victoria en el Main Event de las WSOP recién conseguida, Riess dejaba caer unas declaraciones en las que se declaraba como el mejor jugador del mundo. Dichas palabras no dejaron indiferente a nadie. La salsa y la polémica estaban servidas.

De los videojuegos al poker

Estrenábamos aquí una serie de artículos de factura propia en los que repasábamos la trayectoria de varios jugadores que realizaron una transición de otros juegos al poker. En este caso, centramos nuestra atención a los dedicados anteriormente a los videojuegos.

Un cuento con Isildur como protagonista

Noviembre fue la fecha en la que los directores de la película/documental “Bet, Raise, Fold”, eligieron para lanzar al gran público una escena inédita en la que se recreaba la aparición del sueco en las salas online, con un tono de cuento muy interesante. Lo cierto es que no tenía sentido que la figura de “Isildur” no apareciera en una película tan buena como esa.

Timoshenko protagoniza nuestro CSI Poker

El jugador de origen ucraniano fue uno de los jugadores que en noviembre protagonizaron nuestra sección “CSI Poker”. Pepe Mestre analizó una mano de Timoshenko en las pasadas WSOP y que le enfrentó a Vimmy Ha.

La carrera de Isaac Haxton, historia de una década

PokerStars lanzaba un vídeo-reportaje de 20 minutos en el que recreaba cuál había sido la trayectoria del buque insignia de su Team Online. Isaac Haxton daba a conocer al gran público cómo empezó en el mundo del naipe y cómo se convirtió en lo que es hoy en día.

Jay Farber ahoga las penas a base de cochazos

Poco le duró el disgusto a Jay Farber por no conseguir hacerse con la victoria en el Main Event de las WSOP. Pocos días posterior la decisión del torneo, Farber se daba una vuelta por los concesionarios más exclusivos y daba por finalizado su estado de luto.

Fiesta de pinchazos desde Reino Unido y Portugal

Los nuestros estaban en estado de gracia durante los meses de octubre y noviembre, trayendo a nuestras páginas noticias de importantes pinchazos casi a diario. Pero el nuevo fin de semana de noviembre fue de locos. Hasta cinco pinchazos importantes sumaban más de 120.000$ para los intereses españoles.

Phil Galfond rindo pleitesía a Ben Tollerene

Cuando Galfond habla, la gente normalmente escucha con atención. En noviembre el jugador de High Stakes realizó unas declaraciones analizando cuál era el estado actual de las mesas más altas de la red, y qué jugadores las estaban frecuentando con mayor asiduidad. A Galfond no le resultó para nada difícil confesar que el jugador al que más respetaba y respeta, es Ben Tollerene. 

Read More... [Source: Poker Red]

Se publica el calendario del Latin American Poker Tour

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PokerStars sigue lanzando los calendarios de sus circuitos que arrancan con el último año. Ahora llega el turno del de la séptima temporada del LAPT.

Tras conocer las etapas que formarán los canarios del Estrellas Poker Tour (EsPT) y el United Kingdom and Ireland Poker Tour (UKIPT), la sala de la pica roja sigue dando a conocer más fechas en las que sus torneos adquirirán relevancia a lo largo del 2014 que está a punto de comenzar.

Esta vez la actualidad nos obliga a desplazarnos hasta el continente americano, donde una nueva temporada del LAPT arrancará el siguiente mes de marzo.

El calendario del circuito latino lo formarán seis etapas, recalando éste en países como Chile, Brasil, Panamá, Perú y Uruguay, donde se celebrará la Gran Final.

Pese a que las fechas están cerradas, todavía falta por conocer una de las sedes, la que se celebrará a mediados de septiembre que todavía está pendiente de confirmación.

De esta forma queda cerrado el calendario de la séptima temporada del Latin American Poker Tour.

Calendario LAPT 7SedeFechasBuy-In
Viña del Mar, Chile19-23 marzo$1.550+$150
Sao Paulo, Brasil30 mayo - 3 junioR$3.910+R$490
Panamá Capital, Panamá23-27 julio$1.550+$150
Por confirmar10-14 septiembre$1.550+$150
Lima, Perú15-19 octubre$1.550+$150
Punta del Este, Uruguay26-30 noviembre$2.700+$300

Read More... [Source: Poker Red]

Gambling Superstitions

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Two gamblers were talking. One turned to the opposite and asked, “Are you superstitious?”

His friend replied, “I was but then I heard it was unlucky so I stopped.”

Gamblers are one of the superstitious people on the planet and they'll do anything to enhance their possibilities of winning. If it is carrying a lucky charm or doing a little kind of ritual before or during their gambling sessions, they're going to try quite a few things to steer lady luck to grin on them. Psychologists have done many studies into the connection between gambling and superstitions.

The conclusions of several of those studies show that superstitions can develop in lots of gamblers and become a basis for future gambling sessions. If the player has won, he looks at what transpired through the winning session. That is where a player may decide that an editorial of clothing or any other activity was “responsible” for his or her luck. Likewise if a player loses, he's going to look to look what will have caused his misfortune. If a player has one or two losing sessions with a selected dealer, they will develop a sense that the dealer is unlucky and unbeatable.

Not all superstitions are developed by personal observations and plenty of gamblers just buy into the prevailing beliefs which have been passed down during the ages. They are going to decide to believe that something is unlucky and avoid it as not to tempt fate. Others may test a superstition only to find a self fulfilling a prophecy with their actions. When you think it's unlucky to sit down along with your legs crossed while playing poker and also you do it, you may also just lose because subconsciously you are expecting to lose. If you happen to do lose, it is going to only reinforce the belief.

Many gamblers have what I LOVE to consult as “selective amnesia.” We only remember those events that correspond to our own personal beliefs. Many gamblers have come to believe one of the crucial gambling superstitions because they have got heard others repeat them. The next are a number of the commonest gambling superstitions.

Popular Gambling SuperstitionsMany gamblers feel that it's unlucky to go into a casino in the course of the main entrance. Years ago the MGM in Las Vegas was themed after the MGM film studios and the principle entrance was in the course of the mouth of the huge MGM lion. Many superstitious players wouldn't enter the casino by going into the mouth of the lion. They considered it a double curse to stroll into the mouth of the beast in conjunction with the truth that it was the primary entrance to the casino.

Many gamblers believe that $50 bills are unlucky and they'll not accept being paid with them. There are several casinos I'VE visited that don't give out $50 bills from the cage when players profit their chips. The casinos that do use $50 bill often find that gamblers will refuse them as payment. Some people also regard the 2 dollar bill as unlucky and this would explain why the varied attempts to bring them back into general circulation have failed.

Never count your money while you're playing is a standard belief. Kenny Rogers even immortalized this idea in his song the Gambler when he sang. “You never count your money whilst you sitting on the table, there’ll be time of enough for counting when the dealings done.”

That brings up another superstition that singing or whistling when you are gambling is bad luck. If someone is whistling past the graveyard, they are attempting to stay cheerful in difficult circumstances so perhaps this has carried over into the thinking that it may not be done while gambling.

You need to wear red clothing while gambling is an Asian superstition that have been popularized within the film Kung Fu Mahjong. Some players have a favourite color that they are going to wear while they gamble to cause them to feel lucky.

Don’t cross your legs while playing otherwise you will “cross out your good luck”. (THIS MIGHT explain why they make those seats so with regards to the slot machines. I never have room to cross my legs even supposing I USED TO BE not afraid that it might bring me bad luck.)

Harmless FunEven though we claim to not be, most people have one or two superstitions we sign up for while gambling. 80 percent of the gamblers who responded to a survey said that they believed in superstitions or performed some type of lucky ritual while gambling. So long as you don’t let your superstitions control you, believing in something as a way to bring you good luck can actually be beneficial. If you happen to feel lucky you'll be happy and feature a more enjoyable time when you play.

Are you superstitious? Do you think in any gambling superstitions? Share your thoughts and superstitions here.

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Slot Machine Myths and Misconceptions

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The dictionary defines the next: Myth: A WELL-LIKED belief that has grown around something. A CONVENTIONAL story to provide an explanation for a practice, belief or natural phenomenon. Misconception: Something interpreted incorrectly.

Both of those words are interchangeable when discussing the beliefs some people have about slot machines. The general public don't understand the interior working of the slots so you possibly can explain a loss or a win with some false logic. Like every other "wives tales" these are passed from individual to individual until they become gospel. These kinds of myths and misconceptions are harmless but they are able to add in your frustration and remove one of the enjoyment out of your casino visit. Let’s check out among the most well liked myths and the reality behind them.

No other segment of the gaming industry has benefited more from the technology revolution than the slot machine. Once considered the ugly stepdaughter, put on the gaming floor to soothe the spouses of table players, the slot machine was transformed into the fairy Princess of the gaming world. Together with her she has brought a dowry of riches no person would have imagined for the casino and some lucky players in addition. Two decades ago the slot machine accounted for 30 percent of the casinos profits. Today it accounts for roughly 70 percent. Computer technology makes it possible to supply life-changing jackpots sufficiently big to show a pauper right into a King.

This new technology also brings with it many myths and misconceptions as players attempt to unravel the mysteries of the trendy computerized slot machine. Listed here are among the myths surrounding the slot machine.

Someone hit a jackpot at the machine you simply left, you possibly can have got that jackpot when you kept playing. False. The slot machines have a pc chip inside that runs the Random Number Generator (RNG). The RNG is continuously cycling through numbers even if the machine isn't being played. These numbers correspond to the stops at the wheel that display the winning or losing symbols that you just see when the reels stop. Whilst you hit the spin button or pull the handle, the RNG picks the mix at that given microsecond. When you had stayed on the machine, it's highly unlikely that you'd have stopped the RNG on the exact nano-second to display that very same combination of numbers. Within the time it takes to speak with a pal or sip your drink the RNG has cycled through thousands of combinations.

You can tell the chances of winning by counting the symbols on each wheel. No. The RNG generates a host for every spin. The number corresponds to the symbols at the Reel. There may also be hundreds of Virtual stops on each wheel even supposing you simply see a couple of symbols. As an example you may even see 20 symbols on each wheel of a three-reel machine. You work 20 x 20 x 20 = 8,000 combinations and your chance of hitting the jackpot is 1 in 8000. If truth be told the pc chip may program 256 stops for every wheel which makes the chances 256 x 256 x 256 =16,777,216 combinations. Having the ability to generate millions of combinations is the explanation that slots can offer large paybacks.

Casinos can loosen or tighten the slot machines with the flip of a switch. False. The slot machines have a pc chip in them that determines the pay back percentage. These are preset on the factory. To ensure that a casino to modify the pay back, they'd need to change the chip. In most jurisdictions there may be paper work that should be filled and submitted to the Casino Control Commission for every machine if the chip is modified. It's time consuming and the chips are very expensive. For this reason, it's more cost effective to choose the pay back percentages before purchasing the machines and having the factory ship them with the right kind chip.

A machine that has not been paying is because of hit. False. There is not any technique to determine if a machine is because of hit. Each spin is a random occurrence and has no referring to what has happened previously. Don't ever play greater than you want to for this reason myth. Will probably be devastating for your bankroll for those who do.

The temperature of the coins played will affect the best way a machine pays. False. The machine isn't suffering from temperature. It's not relevant in the event you play hot, cold, old or new coins. The coin slot is a machine and has no feeling. There may be one potential danger with this myth. I once saw a fellow burn his fingers while seeking to heat up a coin with a lighter.

If you employ your slot club card the machine pays back less. False. In my opinion, that is probably the most damaging myth of all of them. There is not any link between the cardboard reader and the RNG. By not using you player's card you're denying yourself valuable comps and infrequently cash back from the casino.

Until next time, remember: "Luck comes and goes...Knowledge Stays Forever."

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Starting Hands

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Starting Hands
Part 2: Starting Tight
by Guide Bill Burton  

The two videotapes I picked up when I started this project  had similar ideas about starting hands for beginner players. Both tapes stressed limiting the selection of hands played. Playing any starting hand is thought of as playing loose while limiting your play to the stronger hands is thought of as playing tight. They advised playing tight and limiting your play to just essentially the most powerful starting hands for your first few sessions. These are basically cards you could play from early position. There are 16 opening hands that fit this criterion.

The Fantastic Five

If you've gotten these you'll be able to raise from any position and re-raise if the pot is raised before you. The opposite starting hands I'VE dubbed the early eleven.

The Early Eleven

All of those hands can also be played from any position that allows you to alleviate making positional mistakes It was also suggested to play small pairs in late position in an UN-RAISED pot but be prepared to fold should you don't  flop a set. If you're the big blind and nobody has raised you get to peer the flop without putting in any further money. You'll stick with any cards because you already have bet the hand.

You could be thinking that limiting your play to those hands is playing too tight but there's a logical cause of this recommendation. In the "How to overcome Winning Hold'em Players" tape, Ben Tracy stresses the significance of the patience and discipline had to become a winning player. He suggests playing only these hands for a three-hour test. If you cannot limit your play in this time frame it is important to work a lot more on you discipline in case you ever hope to become a winning player.

I think that is some sound practical advice for anyone starting out. After a few sessions of tight play you'll gain confidence and will begin to expand the choice of starting hands you play.  If you're just starting out you might as well learn the sport correctly from the start. This implies learning, which hands are playable and which aren't. It is going to be much more profitable if you do.

When I participated within the free poker lesson at Foxwoods, The dealer suggested that I enter their low limit tournament to get the texture of live table play. I CAN do that three-hour test after I enter the tournament next week. Limiting my play to those hands will allow me to pay attention to the opposite fundamentals of the sport. I can use the time to watch other players, attempt to read hands and establish a strong table image.

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Until next time, remember: "Luck comes and goes...Knowledge stays forever."

NOTE: This is the unique series of articles that was written in 2000 as I learned to play the Texas Hold'em. It documents a few of my experiences during my first year of playing casino poker. I have tried to maintain the links to outside sites updated where possible. This series of articles isn't a part of my book,   From the Kitchen to the Cardroom- Get the threshold at Low Limit Texas Hold'em

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Lo mejor de 2013: octubre

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En el décimo mes del año, la mayoría del protagonismo recayó en Adrián Mateos merced a su victoria en el Main Event de las WSOPE. Alrededor de él giró la actualidad.

Nuestro repaso a lo sucedido a lo largo del año que en solo unos días tocará a su fin empieza a encarar su recta final, llegando ya al mes de octubre, un mes que tenemos aún muy presente en nuestras memorias.

Buena parte de culpa la tiene Adrián Mateos, quien nos hizo vibrar con una victoria en el Main Event de las WSOPE por delante de Fabrice Soulllier.

El madrileño captó gran parte de la atención de nuestro lectores, pero también lo hicieron otras noticias sucedidas a lo largo de octubre, algunas relacionadas con el propio Adrián y otras que no tenían nada que ver.

Echemos un vistazo a las 10 noticias más visitadas a lo largo de octubre.

Adrián Mateos, Rey de Europa

El joven jugador madrileño consiguió en octubre una victoria para sus intereses propios y los de la afición española, que llevábamos mucho tiempo reclamando para situar el poker nacional donde muchos creemos que se merece. El Main Event de las WSOPE conseguido en París será siempre recordado por todos.

Griffin Benger flipó viendo jugar a Amadi

Tras la victoria de Adrián, conseguimos hablar con uno de los mejores jugadores de torneos de todo el mundo. Griffin Benger “Flush Entity” creyó estar viendo a Rafa Nadal en sus inicios cuando éste estaba arrancando en el circuito profesional.

El decálogo del buen aprendiz de jugador

El noruego Andreas Torbergsen “Skjervoy” escribió unas letras a finales de octubre en las que intentaba dar unos pequeños consejos a todos aquellos que intentan dar sus primeros pasos en el mundo del poker de forma seria.

Cejakas14, doble Supernova Elite

¿Qué vamos a decir del jugador soriano que no sepamos ya? José Ángel Latorre nos sorprendía a mediados de octubre al conseguir su segundo Supernova Elite del año, y no contentos con eso, anunciaba que iba a por el tercero. ¡De locos!

El poder mental de Negreanu en nuestro CSI Poker

La sección de análisis de manos espectaculares iniciada por los profesores de EducaPoker seguía su curso. En octubre poníamos el ojo en una mano protagonizada por Negreanu, en la que ponía de manifiesto la importancia de un buen discurso a la hora de llevarse una mano que no le pertenecía.

Negreanu gana su segundo brazalete del año

Antes de que Adrián se hiciera con el protagonismo absoluto de las WSOPE, el jugador canadiense reclamó su parte de atención al ganar el WSOPE 25.600€ High Roller, lo que significaba el segundo brazalete del año en en su cuenta particular posterior hacer lo propio en la primera edición de las WSOP-APAC.

Menda se fue de Carnaval en octubre

Aunque las fiestas de disfraces son algo más habitual de febrero, a Óscar Serradell no le importó lo más mínimo atrasar la cita hasta octubre, cuando consiguió colarse en la mesa final del Carnival 800 Million Celebration de finalizando en cuarta posición. ¡Muro de 86.000$!

Así se gana el Main Event del WCOOP

“PlayinWasted” se convirtió en el ganador del torneo online más importante del año y se embolsó casi millón y medio de dólares. Éste fue su camino hacia el éxito.

George Lind III, una máquina de acumular VPPs

El Team Online de PokerStars batió en octubre el récord de VPP en, gracias en gran parte a la cuantía ingente de satélites Hyper-Turbo jugados a lo largo del WCOOP que por entonces acababa.

La peor sesión en la vida de Dwan

El americano ha sido noticia a lo largo de 2013, pero no siempre para bien. En el mes de octubre, desde Macao, Dwan hacía saber a todos sus seguidores que había firmado la peor sesión de su vida, pudiendo las pérdidas alcanzar los 4 millones de dólares. ¡WTF!

Read More... [Source: Poker Red]

Redeeming Slot Vouchers

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One of the vital quickest changes to the casinos over the past few years was the transition to coinless slot machines. One of the vital casinos call it the EZ-Pay system while others call it TITO, which stands for Ticket In Ticket Out. As opposed to feeding coins into the machine you put any denomination bill within the bill receptor and the machine registers the suitable amount of credits. Whilst you hit the button to cash out a voucher is outlined with the quantity of payout that you may redeem on the cashiers cage or redemption machine. The entire new slot machines being made have this option.

The change to a coinless system became a need as a result of advent of the multi–denomination machines. The casinos also favored them as it allowed them to chop labor costs by hiring less slot attendants and alter people.

The casinos made a conscience effort to ensure the brand new coinless system could be accepted by the players. Many casinos added numerous redemption kiosks across the casino floor. This makes it faster and less difficult for players to profit their vouchers. Players now not must lug buckets of dirty coins around the casino floor and wait in line for a cashier to count them.

Players also don’t need to worry a couple of machine running out of coins while they're cashing out. Up to now the most important complaint amongst slot players was the time they'd to attend for a hopper fill, especially when the casino was crowded. The TITO system has eliminated this problem.

When coinless slots were first introduced onto the casino floor the primary complaint from the players was the inconvenience when switching machines. In the event that they desired to switch machines they'd to take their voucher over to the cashier and convert it back to money to position into the following machine. Fortunately, this issue was quickly addressed and in lots of of the newer coinless machines you'll be able to place a voucher from one machine directly into another. In case you are in hurry whilst you cash out it's also possible to just put the voucher on your wallet or purse and use it while you play later.

This however could cause an issue in case you forget to cash it in before you head for home especially if you're visiting a casino in another State. A COUPLE OF weeks ago I received an email from an individual who had forgotten to redeem a slot voucher while on vacation in Las Vegas. He told me it expired in 60 days and desired to understand how to cash it in since he wouldn't be going back to Las Vegas within that time.

I had never forgotten to profit a chit and that i just assumed which you could mail it into the casino and they'd send you the money. I learned that this was not the case at every casino. In truth while doing a little research I DISCOVERED that the policies for coping with forgotten slot vouchers varies not just from casino to casino but State to State even among casinos owned by the similar gaming companies.

I called several casinos across the country and asked to be connected to the principle casino cage. In each instance I asked for his or her policy for redeeming a voucher that a player forgot to profit. Here's a sample of my findings.

Casino Policies At Foxwoods in Connecticut the ticket/vouchers from the slot machines are good for 240 days. In the event you forget to cash one in you'll be able to mail it in to gather your money.

Harrah’s is likely one of the biggest national gaming companies and that i called several in their casinos to test their polices. After I called the casino in Atlantic City I USED TO BE told that the EZ Pay vouchers didn't expire but when I WISHED to redeem one after 90 days I MIGHT must visit the primary cage to cash it. At Harrah’s in Las Vegas the vouchers are good for 90 days and so they also have an address imprinted on the back with instructions for mailing within the voucher.

Boyd Gaming is another national company and their policies differ at casinos across the country. At Sam’s Town in Tunica, MS the slot vouchers are good for 60 days and in case you forget to redeem one, you'll mail it in to assemble your money. This isn't the case on the Fremont, another Boyd property in downtown Las Vegas. I USED TO BE told thon the slot vouchers at the Fremont expire in 30 days and there's no strategy to mail them in or redeem them rather then in person.

When I called the Mirage in Las Vegas I USED TO BE told that their vouchers were good for 90 days but there has been no option to mail them in. A player must cash it or lose it.

Subject to Change For the reason that policy for redeeming slot vouchers varies such a lot you desire to call the casino when you are with a ticket you forgot to cash. The casinos may change their policies now and then so even the guidelines I DISCUSSED here could change at a moments notice.

What You'll be able to Do Should you should end up with a voucher from a casino with a “no-mail policy” all is probably not lost. In case you are a standard player on the casino my advice could be to name and ask for a casino host in case you don’t have already got one. Explain the issue with the host. The casino host desires to do everything possible to retain their good players they usually could possibly figure out an answer for you.

To avoid forgetting the vouchers you must redeem them while you get done playing. I REALLY LIKE to try this because I WILL enter the guidelines in my log book when I cash my voucher. If you wish to save them to play later, then make it a habit to redeem your vouchers on the end of the day before heading for your room. While you prepare to take a look at of your hotel make sure that have a look for your wallet for any vouchers you will have forgotten.

Consistent Policies If the casinos desired to make the TITO system more player friendly they might make the vouchers interchangeable a few of the properties they own. I realize however that this won't be possible for accounting purposes. They may however initiate a policy that will be consistent among all in their casinos.

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Top Five Tips for Roulette Success

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The casino game of roulette remains to be a favourite after 300 years, so remember these top five tips for roulette success the following time you head to the casino and you will have fun and a greater chance to depart with a profit.

Tip Primary - Single Zero is the Best

Many casinos, especially those in Europe, feature roulette wheels with a single zero, also known as the home" choice of". course you'll bet at the zero, so it is not really a home number, but most payoffs on a wheel focus on a single number bet being paid 35 units. That suggests the home keeps 1 unit every 37 spins (1/37) which equals a home fringe of 2.7 percent. If wheel also has a double zero, the similar 35 units may be paid, however the house keeps 2 units every 38 spins (2/38) which equals a home fringe of 5.26 percent.

Obviously the guideline this is play the only zero wheel whether it is available. Some casinos do have single zero wheels, and a few have the sport but only offer it in a high limit room (minimum bet of $25 or much more likely.) Why play the upper house edge wheel in the event you can avoid it?

Tip Number Two - The Payoffs Are the Same

Fortunately, the payoffs for each bet on a roulette wheel follow the similar rules, so regardless of which wager you make, you're going to get the similar house edge, except one bet. On what's often call an American wheel (which has the zero and double zero) you'll wager the Top Line, which 0, 00, 1, 2, and three. Unfortunately, this bet pays 6 units to hide the 5 numbers. That payoff leaves a home fringe of 7.9 percent, so skip this wager!

Tip Number Three - En Prison is Good

Many European casinos have en prison, and a few casinos in Las Vegas just like the Bellagio, Caesar's Palace, and the Mirage offer games with the rule, as do the vast majority of the casinos in Atlantic City. If you're not conversant in en prison, bets put on even money bets like odd/even and red/black don't lose on a 0 or double zero. Instead they ought to play within the same spot at the next spin, or the player loses half their wager in place of their entire wager. Now that's a rule that's all good, so ask about it while you play!

Tip Number Four - Understand Variance

Understanding casino gambling variance is usually a bit confusing, but for purposes of a tip to remember, the upper the payoff (odds against) of the wagers you're making, the fewer likely they'll hit. That can seem obvious, however the way it applies to the chips in front of you can also not.

If you prefer betting the numbers straight as much as get 35-1 payoffs, you're likely to see wide swings for your bankroll. When the numbers hit for you, you should have mounds of chips and feel free. After they don't, you should have long periods of time while you don't hit anything, so be prepared. When you lose interest easily, or get frustrated, don't take your issues out in your chips! For those who really just like the straight up bets, stick to them, don't start creating a bunch of crazy bets seeking to get even.

Tip Number Five - Your Bankroll is Your Friend

Treat your bankroll like your friend and you will be happy you probably did! You can not build a gambling bankroll without saving some money first, but it can save you some huge cash (your bankroll) by planning the way you are going to play at roulette.

The best tip on your bankroll is to just wager what you could have saved for gambling, without succumbing to the urge to get just a little extra money out of your debit or bank card. Problem gambling starts with spending an excessive amount of cash beyond your entertainment money! You want to also find the precise casino to your bet size and talent level. There is not any sense feeling misplaced while you gamble.

As to your bet size, take into account that the more units you have, the longer you are able to play and the simpler chance you will have to enjoy yourself. In case you have a complete of $100 to spend at roulette, betting $25 per spin goes to have very high variance, and also you tend to go broke quickly. If you wish to last a while, choose a big gamble size that provide you with a possibility to catch a couple of winners.

If you prefer to make "outside" wagers like column bets and red/black, you are able to start with $5 wagers (more likely to be the minimum to your roulette table) and feature 20 units for that $100 bill. That's an inexpensive amount when you place a single wager each spin. In case you start winning, go ahead and bet slightly more!

If you prefer to bet at the "inside" numbers, your payoffs might be higher, but less frequent. Understand that even though the table has $1 chips and also you get 100 to your $100 bill, you'll likely need to bet 3 to five chips per spin, so you'll still have an identical quantity of cash riding on each spin. Don't bet too many chips to start out or your stack will seem like an elephant stepped on it. While you catch some numbers, then you definately can raise your bets accordingly!

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New Free Craps Strategies 365

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Should the dice are scorching, craps serves as an excessively quickly shifting match that doesn't permit time for inquiring queries for newcomers just learning how you can engage in craps. You need to initiate out with smaller, clear-cut bets at first, maintaining to elementary craps method. Shut online game observation is understood [&]
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Saturday, December 28, 2013

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Betting on Football is the preferred from of Sports betting. Whether you bet on College or Professional football the fundamentals are the similar. Listed here are the commonest football bets.
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Casino Cocktail Waitresses Can Earn \$100,000...

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Being a cocktail waitress in a US casino could be a fun and challenging job, and really well paid. For lots of people, getting a role in casino is a first-rate goal. Casinos are stable places of employment. Casino companies hire many employees for entry-level jobs and are known for hiring from within for jobs higher up the ladder.Cocktail waitress jobs that pay $100,000 are available in casinos!

As with most positions, a cocktail waitress (or waiter) is anticipated to be reliable, honest, and an effective worker. Most casinos are 24-7 operations, they never close, they usually can't afford to have unreliable workers. And, a fair cocktail waitress is essential for the full happiness of casino patrons.

Why the Job Can also be Great

Many jobs found at casino resorts are entry-level, and workers that prove themselves often move directly to better jobs. However, there are many casinos that hire and train their very own cocktail servers and do not demand previous experience. Just like a casino dealer who's hired and immediately trained to work at the casino floor, many cocktail waitresses find the pay to be sufficient to maintain them coming back on a daily basis with none thoughts of coaching for one more job.

And, like casino dealer jobs, the supervisor jobs usually pay not up to the income earned by their underlings. Yes, dealers and cocktail servers usually make greater than their bosses. Need to know why? As a result of tips.

Pay Scale

Pay scales vary greatly from region to region or even from casino to casino. A small casino would possibly not have nearly as good a benefits package as a bigger property, but since most casinos pay all tip-earning employees on the subject of minimum wage, it is the quality of service and the selection of players that influences tip rates.

A cocktail waitress working a small club has a possibility to get to understand the players better, see regular guests, and should make an excellent living. On the same time, a server at a tremendous property just like the Beau Rivage or the MGM Grand Detroit may make more because there are more players to serve or less; because there is not any option to provide great service with large crowds and never enough servers. In fact the amount of players has a big impact on tips earned. $100,000 Casino Jobs are available in lots of states.

Free Drinks

Another think about earnings and work load will also be whether the valuables serves free drinks or charges for drinks. In the event you only visit Vegas or Nevada casinos, you might be used to getting free drinks. As many as you wish to have until you give way. However, many casinos charge for his or her drinks.

Income levels can vary here too, because within the long run, quality service gets noticed and rewarded probably the most. However, serving drinks that have to be paid for can reduce the choice of drinks served during a shift for the reason that server is making change, not only taking orders and bagging tips.

The Work Load

The work load in any food service job may also be brutal. Cocktail waitresses would possibly not work as hard as a coin loader, but it isn't easy work. Imagine carrying a heavy tray of drinks all night long! And that is the easy part.

Cocktail waitresses are expected to take orders, clean the ashtrays, pick-up empty bottles and glasses, give directions, smile, look glamorous, know the players in addition to the bosses, and be capable of come again to the bar without forgetting anything.

Once there, they must visit the server station, tell the bartender all of the orders (in whatever order the bartender wants), clean-up across the station, stay up for the drinks, and come back to the tables or slots before the players think they've been forgotten. And regardless of how briskly they are, the players want faster service.

Servers produce other duties too. Usually, the server has to make or retrieve coffee after which pour the glasses themselves. They need to arrange the drinks on their trays to make delivery easy, they usually usually must retrieve cigarettes for guests also. The facility in their co-workers, the bartenders, bar-backs, and fellow servers have much to do with having a happy, successful shift.

As for the pay scale, the advantages package and minimum-wage only go thus far. Cocktail servers could make several hundred dollars each shift in tips! Many servers make over $50 an hour in tokes.

$100,000 a Year Job

That means many cocktail waitresses in casinos are making six figures. A $100,000 a year job that requires no college background and will be an entry-level position is difficult to search out. In fact there are many servers who find the take home pay to be considerably less. Servers usually split part of their income with their bartenders and the barbacks. And, not every cocktail waitress within the casino can expect to make the similar income.

At many casinos, the servers work their way as much as the most productive positions. A BRAND NEW server may find themselves working the "bus section" or nickle slots, Keno, or the sports book where tipping is lighter than other places.

Excellent servers hope to transport to dollar slot machines and high-limit slot areas and to the table game pits. The high-limit table games are the most productive areas to work, providing the tables have enough players. These guests often think nothing of tipping in green chips ($25 denomination).

Cocktail servers also post with a number of stares, in addition to disappointed looks from gamblers who're losing. Turning clear of disgruntled guests without taking anything personally is a singular and demanding facet of casino work, especially for cocktail servers.

And, as a last reminder, it's important to interact with the guests and your co-workers. Customer support is on the heart of most casino jobs these days, and playing to the group is mandatory - and probably the most profitable. You furthermore mght will need to see in case your new benefits package includes chiropractic care. Carrying those drink trays all night is a difficult job!

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Lo mejor de 2013: octubre

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En el décimo mes del año, la mayoría del protagonismo recayó en Adrián Mateos merced a su victoria en el Main Event de las WSOPE. Alrededor de él giró la actualidad.

Nuestro repaso a lo sucedido a lo largo del año que en solo unos días tocará a su fin empieza a encarar su recta final, llegando ya al mes de octubre, un mes que tenemos aún muy presente en nuestras memorias.

Buena parte de culpa la tiene Adrián Mateos, quien nos hizo vibrar con una victoria en el Main Event de las WSOPE por delante de Fabrice Soulllier.

El madrileño captó gran parte de la atención de nuestro lectores, pero también lo hicieron otras noticias sucedidas a lo largo de octubre, algunas relacionadas con el propio Adrián y otras que no tenían nada que ver.

Echemos un vistazo a las 10 noticias más visitadas a lo largo de octubre.

Adrián Mateos, Rey de Europa

El joven jugador madrileño consiguió en octubre una victoria para sus intereses propios y los de la afición española, que llevábamos mucho tiempo reclamando para situar el poker nacional donde muchos creemos que se merece. El Main Event de las WSOPE conseguido en París será siempre recordado por todos.

Griffin Benger flipó viendo jugar a Amadi

Tras la victoria de Adrián, conseguimos hablar con uno de los mejores jugadores de torneos de todo el mundo. Griffin Benger “Flush Entity” creyó estar viendo a Rafa Nadal en sus inicios cuando éste estaba arrancando en el circuito profesional.

El decálogo del buen aprendiz de jugador

El noruego Andreas Torbergsen “Skjervoy” escribió unas letras a finales de octubre en las que intentaba dar unos pequeños consejos a todos aquellos que intentan dar sus primeros pasos en el mundo del poker de forma seria.

Cejakas14, doble Supernova Elite

¿Qué vamos a decir del jugador soriano que no sepamos ya? José Ángel Latorre nos sorprendía a mediados de octubre al conseguir su segundo Supernova Elite del año, y no contentos con eso, anunciaba que iba a por el tercero. ¡De locos!

El poder mental de Negreanu en nuestro CSI Poker

La sección de análisis de manos espectaculares iniciada por los profesores de EducaPoker seguía su curso. En octubre poníamos el ojo en una mano protagonizada por Negreanu, en la que ponía de manifiesto la importancia de un buen discurso a la hora de llevarse una mano que no le pertenecía.

Negreanu gana su segundo brazalete del año

Antes de que Adrián se hiciera con el protagonismo absoluto de las WSOPE, el jugador canadiense reclamó su parte de atención al ganar el WSOPE 25.600€ High Roller, lo que significaba el segundo brazalete del año en en su cuenta particular posterior hacer lo propio en la primera edición de las WSOP-APAC.

Menda se fue de Carnaval en octubre

Aunque las fiestas de disfraces son algo más habitual de febrero, a Óscar Serradell no le importó lo más mínimo atrasar la cita hasta octubre, cuando consiguió colarse en la mesa final del Carnival 800 Million Celebration de finalizando en cuarta posición. ¡Muro de 86.000$!

Así se gana el Main Event del WCOOP

“PlayinWasted” se convirtió en el ganador del torneo online más importante del año y se embolsó casi millón y medio de dólares. Éste fue su camino hacia el éxito.

George Lind III, una máquina de acumular VPPs

El Team Online de PokerStars batió en octubre el récord de VPP en, gracias en gran parte a la cuantía ingente de satélites Hyper-Turbo jugados a lo largo del WCOOP que por entonces acababa.

La peor sesión en la vida de Dwan

El americano ha sido noticia a lo largo de 2013, pero no siempre para bien. En el mes de octubre, desde Macao, Dwan hacía saber a todos sus seguidores que había firmado la peor sesión de su vida, pudiendo las pérdidas alcanzar los 4 millones de dólares. ¡WTF!

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All concerning the many bets found on a casino craps table.
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“osenca” prepara las uvas pinchándose el SuperJueves

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El triunfo en el nuevo SuperJueves del año fue a parar a Vitoria, concretamente a manos de “osenca” quien se midió a una mesa llena de jugadores regulares.

Ayer, 26 de diciembre, San Esteban, se celebró en PokerStars España la nueva edición del año del torneo regular más caro de la sala.

Y para celebrarlo, ¡a la Puerta del Sol!Y para celebrarlo, ¡a la Puerta del Sol!

Una semana más el SuperJueves atrajo a los jugadores más pudientes de la sala, pues los 250€ de inscripción no están al alcance de todos los bolsillos.

Pese a encontrarnos en estas fechas tan señaladas, no hubo ningún impedimento para que el garantizado de 30.000€ que asegura la sala de la pica roja, quedara bien cubierto con las inscripciones de sus participantes.

En total fueron 210 los que ayer jugaron esta última edición 2013 del SuperJueves formando así una bolsa de premios de 48.770€ a repartir entre los 27 mejores.

Uno de los jugadores más exitosos de la sala española, Lluis Guerrero “Penfold6” rozó el dudoso honor de llegar a el bubble-boy del torneo, quedándose a solo dos puestos de pasar a través de caja. Misma suerte que el mallorquín corrieron otros como Vicente Delgado “Codelsa”, Marcelo Camus, Juan Pardo o Lucas Blanco.

Pero en la parte alta de la clasificación no faltaron los habituales de la sala. Sin ir más lejos, dos de los primeros en caer de la mesa final fueron Nil Daltés “Pestañas14” o “iD,Squall”, ganadores con anterioridad de este mismo torneo.

Cuando los dos catalanes ya estaban al margen de la competición, el jugador que lo tenía más de cara para llevarse el triunfo era Alex Vaqueiro “alexvv24”, habitual de las mesas de cash, y que a falta de cuatro jugadores lideraba la tabla con comodidad. Esto seguro que tuvo mucha parte de culpa para que el madrileño se negara a discutir un pacto cuando sus rivales lo propusieron.

Pero las tornas se dieron la vuelta, y Alex caía eliminado en tercera posición. Ya en el heads-up, “LordNatillas” volvía a proponer echar un vistazo a los números, pero en este caso “osenca” era quien se negaba, posterior haber recogido un montón de puntos al eliminar a Vaqueiro.

Tampoco hubo tiempo a que “LordNatillas” convenciera al de Vitoria. El HU duró solo una mano, tras la cual “osenca” se hacía con el título y un premio de 10.485€.

SuperJueves 250€JugadorPremio

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