Friday, February 28, 2014

Gus Hansen cambia de táctica, y pierde igual

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El danés optó por evitar el cuerpo a cuerpo con los más reconocidos regulares que pululaban por el lobby, pero se estampó contra Sebastian Ruthenberg.

No hace mucho te trasladamos las opiniones de alguno de los rivales de de Gus Hansen, que llegaron a la decisión que la impresionante mala racha de Gus se debía a su falta de selección de rivales en las mesas.

Durante esta última semana, Hansen se ha limitado a entrar en partidas de niveles más bajos, y a picotear de aquí y de allá, evitando los titulares y portadas que le esperaban si sufría un nuevo patinazo.

Empezamos a especular con la posibilidad de que el miembro de The pros hubiera cambiado de táctica y buscado mejores oportunidades de atacar las high stakes, como cuando se sentó a las mesas shorthanded de Pot Limit Omaha 200$/400$.

Es cierto que allí estaban Ben Tollerene “Bttech86” y Ola Amunsgaard “no ola”, pero también otros jugadores, frente a los que consiguió salir ligeramente en positivo tras unas 300 manos.

Luego Gus se lanzó a las mesas de 2-7 Triple Draw 2000$/4000$, como antiguamente, pero en esta ocasión su rival no tenía un perfil demasiado reconocible.

Era “taktloss47”, el alemán Sebastian Ruthenberg, un jugador que saltó a la fama en 2008 por ganar un brazalete de las WSOP y el EPT Barcelona en menos de tres meses y que en 2011 desapareció del circuito.

Hansen parece estar intentando hacer los deberes, buscando rivales más asequibles, pero Ruthenberg le dio un muy doloroso revolcón.

En la primera mesa que abrieron, el “Gran Danés” se llevó 80.000$ en ganancias al bolsillo. En la siguiente la cosa se igualó, y posterior un receso de una hora y media, Ruthenberg volvió para recoger lo sembrado y limpió a Gus de casi 375.000$.

“thecorster” tomó el relevo tres horas después para quitarle a Hansen 50.000$ más y dejar al multicampeón del WPT en su acostumbrada posición al frente de los perdedores de la jornada.

Últimas 24 horas. / Highstakesdb.

A Dan Cates “w00kiez” tampoco le fueron las cosas demasiado bien en PokerStars, ni en No Limit Hold’em ni en los juegos mixtos, un lobby donde Noah Boeken “Exclusive” está dando bastante juego últimamente.

El trío de estrellas caídas de ayer lo completó Viktor Blom “Isildur1”, que sigue en plena guerra contra Alexander Kostrytsin “PostFlopAction” en las mesas de juegos mixtos de Full Tilt Poker.

Las últimas batallas le están costando bastante dinero al sueco, que si no lo remedia en cuestión de horas va a ser el mayor perdedor del mes de febrero en las high stakes. 

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Nuevo “jefe” en el estamento regulador francés

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Desde ayer, ARJEL tiene nuevo presidente, posterior que Jean-François Vilotte anunciara su dimisión. El Presidente de la República, François Hollande nombró a Charles Coppolani como su sucesor.

Desde ayer al mediodía, el estamento regulador francés ARJEL, el equivalente a nuestra Dirección General de Ordenación del Juego (DGOJ) cuenta con un nuevo presidente posterior que Jean-François Vilotte presentara su dimisión el pasado mes de diciembre, dos años anterior que acabara su mandato de forma natural.

El Presidente de la República Francesa, François Hollande nombró ayer a Charles Coppolani como su sucesor al frente de ARJEL.

La noticia de la dimisión de Vilotte fue acogida en el país galo con gran nerviosismo entre operadores y jugadores, ya que tantos unos como otros, pensaban que era un paso atrás en las aspiraciones por mejorar las condiciones del juego online por las que tanto tiempo se lleva luchando en Francia, aunque por las primeras declaraciones que ha realizado su sucesor al convertirse enl cargo, se intuye un pequeño halo de luz en todo este baile de fichas.

Antes de llegar a ARJEL, Coppolani estuvo al frente de una importante sección de control económico y financiero dentro del Ministerio de Hacienda desde 2006, además de presidir el Observatorio del Juego (ODJ) desde que se fundó este estamento en 2011. A su llegada al cargo, el último presidente de ARJEL no ha tardado en realizar las primeras declaraciones que sirvieran de bálsamo tranquilizados para los más escépticos.

Según un comunicado emitido precisamente por el estamento francés, el último Presidente “está completamente familiarizado con todo lo que necesita la sociedad francesa para salvaguardar a los jugadores de los riesgos de adicción que existen en el juego, así como con todo lo que tiene que ver con los operadores, los cuales necesitan condiciones óptimas para desarrollar sus actividades”.

Como es evidente, Coppolani también tiene otro “caballo de Troya” sobre la mesa, y ése no es otro que la liquidez compartida, un tema que deberá intentar mover por el bien de todo el conjunto de jugadores que actúan bajo un marco regulado.

Éste no es el primer cambio de caras visibles al que asistimos en los últimos tiempos. No hay que olvidar que el pasado mes de abril de 2013, sucedió algo muy similar en nuestro país, cuando Enrique Alejo se desvinculaba de nuestra DGOJ en favor de Carlos Hernández, con quien tuvimos ocasión de hablar pocos días posterior su incorporación.

Veremos cuál es el papel que adquiere ahora Charles Coppolani, y si su llegada a ARJEL sirve para agilizar lo que tantos jugadores franceses y europeos en general llevan tanto tiempo esperando: fronteras abiertas entre los países ya regulados.

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El gasto de los madrileños en apuestas crece un 827% en cuatro años

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Apuestas deportivas
En 2008 los habitantes de Madrid gastaron 20,6 millones de euros en apuestas. Cinco años después, en 2012, la cuantía ascendió hasta los 191 millones, es decir, un 827% más. Un incremento espectacular que llama, más aún si cabe, la atención, si se tiene en cuenta que la cuantía total que se invirtió en juego descendió en ese mismo periodo de tiempo.

En concreto, los ciudadanos de la capital de España gastaron, en 2008, 3.477 millones de euros. Los 20,6 millones de las apuestas representaban, entonces, un 0,5% del total. En 2012, el gasto descendió, en gran medida por las derivaciones de la crisis, hasta los 3.080 millones. Las apuestas, con sus 191, suponían un 6,2%.

Por sectores, el de las apuestas es también el único que ha visto como su curva de beneficios adquiría rumbo ascendente. Las máquinas recreativas cayeron un 8,1% y los casinos sufrieron una pérdida del 16%.

Cifras que parecen fútiles si se comparan con las que presenta el bingo, sector que se encuentra inmerso en una gravísima crisis en España. Éste descendió, entre 2008 y 2012, en un muy preocupante 44,2%.

Los datos provienen de la Dirección General de Tributos y Ordenación y Gestión del Juego de la Consejería de Economía de la Comunidad de Madrid. Aún no se han hecho públicos los referentes a 2013, sin embargo, fuentes de la consejería han confirmado que se ha mantenido una tendencia similar.

En Madrid hay, actualmente, 304 salas de apuestas. Cuatro compañías se las reparten. La que más locales tiene es Sportium con 157, detrás aparece Codere con 104. Las 43 restantes pertenecen a Bwin y Betplus.

En lo que se refiere al resto de ramas del juego, hay cuatro casinos (dos de ellos son salas apéndice del Casino Gran Madrid y el de Aranjuez), 252 salones de juego, 47 bingos, 13 salones recreativos y 25.961 máquinas recreativas.

La regulación de las apuestas deportivas (fútbol, carreras de caballos, de galgos, etc) en España llegó en 2008, siendo ésta, según los expertos, la principal clave de tan acusado crecimiento.

Tres años después, en 2011, se regularizaron las apuestas por Internet. Algo que, si se hace caso a  las estadísticas, ha afectado sobremanera a los más jóvenes, ya que cada vez hay más chicos y chicas entre 18 y 25 años que acuden a centros de prevención de la ludopatía. Globalmente, el perfil del apostante en la capital de España es el de un hombre entre 18 y 45 años.

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David Cabrera gana un paralelo del L.A. Poker Classic

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Es su segunda mesa final en el larguísimo festival del Commerce Casino, la primera gran cita del año en Estados Unidos.

El L.A. Poker Classic se acerca ya a su traca final, el evento principal del World Poker Tour que empieza este próximo sábado.

Pero este es tan solo uno de los 60 eventos que se vienen disputando en Los Ángeles desde mediados de enero, en el primer gran punto de encuentro de poker del año en suelo estadounidense.

Allí tenemos a uno de nuestros jugadores haciendo patria, David Cabrera, que esta madrugada ha conseguido el triunfo en su segunda mesa final del festival.

Hace 9 días, David había terminado 6º en el Evento #35 570$ No Limit Hold'em Mix Handed, y hoy de madrugada avisaba de un nuevo intento de ganar un torneo en estas prestigiosas series, el Evento #41 Jerry Stensrud 1.110$ No Limit Hold'em.

Curioseando entre los nombres que acompañaban a David en la mesa final nos encontramos con dos campeones del WPT: el estadounidense Sean Jazayeri, que se llevó 1.370.000$ en el evento principal de este L.A. Poker Classic en 2012, y toda una estrella, el alemán Marvin Rettenmaier.

Omar Sharif., que sería el rival de David en el heads-up fue el encargado de echar del torneo al más reconocible de sus finalistas. Cuando ya solo quedaban cuatro jugadores, Rettenmaier disponía de 15 ciegas, que empleó para poner all-in al jugador que había abierto la mano. Marvin llevaba  TsTh y Omar  9c9d. Dio una impresión "Mad Marvin" se iba a meter de lleno en la pelea, pero apareció en  9h en el flop.

David se plantó en el cara a cara con ventaja, y pese a los ánimos del otro aspirante, que venía de eliminar a los últimos tres jugadores, no dio opción a que le arrebataran el famoso trofeo del cowboy a lomos de un caballo rampante.

Con un stack equivalente a fifteen ciegas y tras dos horas de batalla, Sharif se envidó desde el botón con  Jh8h y David hizo el call con  KhTs. Un rey en el flop nos quitó todos los miedos y ayudó a proclamar vencedor al español.

Evento #41 L.A. Poker Classic 1.100$JugadorPremio
1º David Cabrera47.000$
2º Omar Sharif33.440$
3º David Rosenbloom21.490$
4º Marvin Rettenmaier15.920$
5º Bruce Levitt11.950$
6º Levon Torosyan9.560$
7º Kazuhito Oshima7.940$
8º Sean Jazayeri6.360$
9º Casey McCarrell4.700$
10º Osmin Dardon3.480$

Anda que no queda pinturero en la vitrina este pedazo de trofeo.¡Enhorabuena!

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Gambling -Slot Candles- Casino

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Slot Candles Light The Way

by Guide Bill Burton Before entering the casino you'll have some kind of game plan. This implies you should have an idea which games you must play and what limits you desire to play at. You desire to know sooner than time what quantity of money you propose to spend gambling. That is only a good money management principle to assist insure that you'll have enough money to last your visit.

If you play slots or video poker you need to know sooner than time which denomination machine you should play. Whether you play nickels, quarters or dollars your first priority when entering the casino if finding the best denomination machine for you. The casinos spread their machines all around the gaming floor either in carousels or banks.

The carousels are the circular groups of machines. There are typically three or more machines within the group. One of the larger carousels could have an attendant placed within the middle to assist with change. The machines within the carousels are typically the similar denomination. It's rare to look 1 / 4 machine in the course of a dollar carrousel. Banks are the long rows of machines that dominate the casino floors. Usually the rows are back to back which permits the casino to place more machines in a smaller amount space. Its common to peer one row of machines for one denomination while the machines within the row backing it within the bank is a unique denomination.

When I'm within the casino I LOVE to people watch. I DO NOT understand how repeatedly I'VE seen an unsuspecting player put a coin within the machine only to look it drop all through. They'll repeat this two or thrice before they realize that they only put 1 / 4 in a dollar machine. In my How To Read A Slot Machine article, I wrote for you to always take a look at the pay table. Should you read the pay table you'll usually see the denomination listed at the machine. This is a little time consuming in case you are just looking to identify banks of machines that experience the denomination you're looking for. There's a neater way.

slot machine candle

Look on the picture of the machine above. The tube with the lights at the top of the machine is named a "Candle." You almost certainly all know that the candle's light goes on while you push the change button, but do you know that the candle will inform you the denomination of the machine? The ground light is colored. This machine has a yellow light. All quarter machines have yellow lights. These candles are easy to identify on account of their location on top of the machines. By knowing the colour of the candle for the denomination you're looking for you'll be able to spot your machine of choice from around the casino floor. This bit of knowledge will prevent numerous time. At the next page are pictures of the coloured candles for the opposite denominations.

Next Page > Can Your Guess The colours For The opposite Coins.


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Las conversaciones que menos le gustan a Isaac Haxton

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"¿A que te dedicas?". Esa es posiblemente la pregunta que más teme un jugador profesional de poker. Pocos momentos memorables han surgido de ahí.

La nueva entrada de Isaac Haxton en el blog de PokerStars se escapa de la típica historia de objetivos, retos o estrategia.

Muy interesante lo que me dices, sí.Muy interesante lo que me dices, sí.

La idea para el texto le surgió del escalofrío que le sube por la espalda cada vez que escucha una pregunta tan inocente como “¿Por qué te has trasladado a Malta?” o “y tú, ¿a qué te dedicas?”.

La respuesta es obviamente jugador profesional de poker, y la cosa nunca se suele quedar ahí. Seguro que aquí, el que más o el que menos, ha pasado algunos momentos bastante complicados intentando explicarle a alguien lo que significa jugar al poker sin por ello ser un ludópata o que se muera un gatito en Internet por abrir una mesa.

Haxton ha vivido tantas veces esta situación, que ha querido catalogar para todos nosotros las reacciones más típicas de la gente en cuatro grandes grupos.

El tío que lo flipa

Woooooooooow ¿juegas al poker?, ¿y te ganas la vida así?, ¿has salido en la tele? Wooooooooooow, ¡cómo mola!

¿Y cuánto ganas?¿No conocerás al otro tipo, el negro, ese que gana todo el tiempo?¿Me puedes enseñar a jugar?

El sabihondo

Este suele hacer unas cuantas preguntas más, para ponerse en situación. Del estilo “¿Así que apuestas, cómo medio de vida?¿Y desde hace cuánto tiempo?, ¿y no haces nada más?”.

Y luego, inevitablemente, llega el sermón.

“Sabes que en algún momento vas a comenzar a perder, ¿verdad?¿Y qué vas a hacer entonces? Mejor déjalo mientras hayas sacado algo. Yo tengo un primo que perdió todo su dinero con el juego y ahora está en la cárcel. Si le digo a mi mujer que dejo el trabajo para ponerme a jugar, me deja o me mata. ¡Posiblemente, ambas cosas!

Siempre es un placer encontrarse a alguien así.

El que no lo pilla

Hay quien simplemente no es capaz de computar las palabras jugador profesional de poker.

¿Poker?¿El juego de cartas, dices?¿Y adónde vas por las mañanas?¿Cuántas horas trabajas?¿Libras los fines de semana?¿Quién te paga?

Y sigue haciendo preguntas de ese tipo hasta que se rinde, me mira confuso y se larga. Este no es tan malo, suele tardar poco en dejarlo y no suele sermonear.

El de “yo también jugaba”

Este tipo, según oye la palabra poker, inmediatamente me tiene que contar sus experiencias. Como que se va de crucero todos los años, un viaje en el que se juega al poker, y una vez ganó. Y otra estuvo a punto, pero no.

O el tipo al que le encanta el poker pero tiene la peor suerte del mundo y me tiene que contar todos los badbeats de los que se acuerda… y se acuerda de todos.

Pero mi favorito es el conspiranoico, que piensa que el poker está trucado ¡porque una vez perdió con ases! O el crupier iba a por él o la sala online era una estafa. Este es el mejor.

Haxton dice que desde que salió su video del Team Online, algunos pros le han dicho que les ha venido completamente bien para enseñárselo a familiares y amigos, que han comprendido mejor qué significa jugar al poker a nivel profesional.

Si mi vídeo te ayuda a quitarte de encima a un familiar o un amigo de esos llenos de buenas intenciones pero verdaderamente molestos, o recortar las veces que tienes que aguantar conversaciones como las que acabamos de comentar, estaré realmente encantado.

O si no, ya sabes, imagino que puedes intentar lo que me funcionó a mi con mi increíblemente persistente abuela. Di que te has apuntado a la Universidad. Funciona a las mil maravillas.

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Gambling Superstitions

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Two gamblers were talking. One turned to the opposite and asked, “Are you superstitious?”

His friend replied, “I was once but then I heard it was unlucky so I stopped.”

Gamblers are one of the vital superstitious people on this planet and they're going to do anything to enhance their probabilities of winning. If it is carrying a lucky charm or doing a little kind of ritual before or during their gambling sessions, they're going to try numerous things to steer lady luck to grin on them. Psychologists have done many studies into the connection between gambling and superstitions.

The conclusions of several of those studies show that superstitions can develop in lots of gamblers and become a basis for future gambling sessions. If the player has won, he looks at what transpired in the course of the winning session. That is where a player may decide that a piece of writing of clothing or any other activity was “responsible” for his or her luck. Likewise if a player loses, he'll look to look what can have caused his misfortune. If a player has one or two losing sessions with a specific dealer, they will develop a sense that the dealer is unlucky and unbeatable.

Not all superstitions are developed by personal observations and plenty of gamblers just buy into the prevailing beliefs which were passed down in the course of the ages. They are going to decide to believe that something is unlucky and avoid it as not to tempt fate. Others may test a superstition only to find a self fulfilling a prophecy with their actions. For those who think it's unlucky to take a seat together with your legs crossed while playing poker and also you do it, you can also just lose because subconsciously you are expecting to lose. Should you do lose, it is going to only reinforce the belief.

Many gamblers have what I REALLY LIKE to consult as “selective amnesia.” We only remember those events that correspond to our own personal beliefs. Many gamblers have come to believe one of the most gambling superstitions because they've heard others repeat them. The next are a number of the most typical gambling superstitions.

Popular Gambling SuperstitionsMany gamblers feel that it's unlucky to go into a casino in the course of the main entrance. Years ago the MGM in Las Vegas was themed after the MGM film studios and the principle entrance was during the mouth of the huge MGM lion. Many superstitious players wouldn't enter the casino by going into the mouth of the lion. They considered it a double curse to stroll into the mouth of the beast along side the truth that it was the primary entrance to the casino.

Many gamblers believe that $50 bills are unlucky and they're going to not accept being paid with them. There are several casinos I'VE visited that don't give out $50 bills from the cage when players profit their chips. The casinos that do use $50 bill often find that gamblers will refuse them as payment. Some people also regard the 2 dollar bill as unlucky and this is able to explain why the various attempts to bring them back into general circulation have failed.

Never count your money when you are playing is a standard belief. Kenny Rogers even immortalized this idea in his song the Gambler when he sang. “You never count your money whilst you sitting on the table, there’ll be time of enough for counting when the dealings done.”

That brings up another superstition that singing or whistling if you are gambling is bad luck. If someone is whistling past the graveyard, they try to stay cheerful in difficult circumstances so perhaps this has carried over into the thinking that it's going to not be done while gambling.

You wish to wear red clothing while gambling is an Asian superstition that have been popularized within the film Kung Fu Mahjong. Some players have a favourite color that they are going to wear while they gamble to cause them to feel lucky.

Don’t cross your legs while playing otherwise you will “cross out your good luck”. (THIS IS ABLE TO explain why they make those seats so as regards to the slot machines. I never have room to cross my legs despite the fact that I USED TO BE not afraid that it could bring me bad luck.)

Harmless FunEven though we claim to not be, most folks have one or two superstitions we sign up for while gambling. 80 percent of the gamblers who responded to a survey said that they believed in superstitions or performed some kind of lucky ritual while gambling. So long as you don’t let your superstitions control you, believing in something with a purpose to bring you good luck can actually be beneficial. Should you feel lucky you can be happy and feature a more enjoyable time whilst you play.

Are you superstitious? Do you suspect in any gambling superstitions? Share your thoughts and superstitions here.

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

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Roulette Inside Bets

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The Basket bet is a five number bet on zero – double zero and numbers-1-2-3 which pays 6 to at least one. At the double zero wheel it has a home fringe of 7.89 percent making it the exception to the remainder of the bets with a 5.26 house edge and the worst roulette bet you may make.
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Gambling Superstitions

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Two gamblers were talking. One turned to the opposite and asked, “Are you superstitious?”

His friend replied, “I was but then I heard it was unlucky so I stopped.”

Gamblers are some of the superstitious people on the earth and they'll do anything to enhance their possibilities of winning. If it is carrying a lucky charm or doing a little type of ritual before or during their gambling sessions, they are going to try numerous things to steer lady luck to grin on them. Psychologists have done many studies into the connection between gambling and superstitions.

The conclusions of several of those studies show that superstitions can develop in lots of gamblers and become a basis for future gambling sessions. If the player has won, he looks at what transpired throughout the winning session. That is where a player may decide that a piece of writing of clothing or another activity was “responsible” for his or her success. Likewise if a player loses, he's going to look to peer what can have caused his misfortune. If a player has one or two losing sessions with a selected dealer, they are going to develop a sense that the dealer is unlucky and unbeatable.

Not all superstitions are developed by personal observations and plenty of gamblers just buy into the present beliefs which have been passed down during the ages. They are going to decide to believe that something is unlucky and avoid it as not to tempt fate. Others may test a superstition only to find a self fulfilling a prophecy with their actions. In the event you think it's unlucky to sit down together with your legs crossed while playing poker and also you do it, you can also just lose because subconsciously you are expecting to lose. Should you do lose, it is going to only reinforce the belief.

Many gamblers have what I REALLY LIKE to consult as “selective amnesia.” We only remember those events that correspond to our own personal beliefs. Many gamblers have come to believe one of the gambling superstitions because they've heard others repeat them. The next are a number of the commonest gambling superstitions.

Popular Gambling SuperstitionsMany gamblers feel that it's unlucky to go into a casino during the main entrance. Years ago the MGM in Las Vegas was themed after the MGM film studios and the principle entrance was in the course of the mouth of the massive MGM lion. Many superstitious players wouldn't enter the casino by going into the mouth of the lion. They considered it a double curse to stroll into the mouth of the beast along side the truth that it was the principle entrance to the casino.

Many gamblers believe that $50 bills are unlucky and they'll not accept being paid with them. There are several casinos I'VE visited that don't give out $50 bills from the cage when players profit their chips. The casinos that do use $50 bill often find that gamblers will refuse them as payment. Some people also regard the 2 dollar bill as unlucky and this would explain why the varied attempts to bring them back into general circulation have failed.

Never count your money if you are playing is a standard belief. Kenny Rogers even immortalized this idea in his song the Gambler when he sang. “You never count your money while you sitting on the table, there’ll be time of enough for counting when the dealings done.”

That brings up another superstition that singing or whistling while you're gambling is bad luck. If someone is whistling past the graveyard, they try to stay cheerful in difficult circumstances so perhaps this has carried over into the thinking that it will not be done while gambling.

You wish to wear red clothing while gambling is an Asian superstition that have been popularized within the film Kung Fu Mahjong. Some players have a favourite color that they are going to wear while they gamble to lead them to feel lucky.

Don’t cross your legs while playing otherwise you will “cross out your good luck”. (THIS IS ABLE TO explain why they make those seats so on the subject of the slot machines. I never have room to cross my legs although I USED TO BE not afraid that it will bring me bad luck.)

Harmless FunEven though we claim to not be, most folks have one or two superstitions we join while gambling. 80 percent of the gamblers who responded to a survey said that they believed in superstitions or performed some kind of lucky ritual while gambling. So long as you don’t let your superstitions control you, believing in something so that it will bring you good luck can actually be beneficial. Should you feel lucky you can be happy and feature a more enjoyable time when you play.

Are you superstitious? Do you think in any gambling superstitions? Share your thoughts and superstitions here.

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Inventing a brand new Casino Table Game

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So you’ve invented a brand new casino table game! Right for you. Now what? You’ve got some work cut out for yourself. Fifty years ago the typical casino in Nevada had about 200 slot machines, 20 table games, and bingo or keno. Craps, roulette, blackjack, baccarat and the big-6-wheel were the preferred games, and that’s how it stayed until the 1990’s when Progressive Games, Inc. brought Caribbean Poker to the casino market.

Caribbean Poker was the primary new table game to reach success, and the market was excellent for it for a variety of reasons. Firstly, new gaming regions were opening in different new states, and secondly, the sport played at the booming success of video poker, by offering a facet bet with an enormous jackpot (sometimes as much as $250,000) for a royal flush. The timing was perfect, and the sport odds were good for casinos and players.

Today, the sport is owned by SHFL Entertainment, which was formerly Shuffle Master. SHFL also owns Let-it-Ride, Blackjack Switch, Casino War, and the ever-popular Three-Card-Poker (oh, and naturally they dominate the automated shuffler market, too). So, a brand new casino table game inventor has some heavy competition.

The First Step for a brand new Casino Table Game

So, you’ve managed to take your idea to paper, and now that you've got devised the entire rules on your new casino table game, your first must be to get some friends to check out it out and provides it a test drive. Like your first introduction of the sport to a casino manager goes to be, you’ve got about half-a-minute to provide an explanation for it on your friends and get them into action. For those who can’t get their attention and explain the sport in 30-seconds, you’re not ready for the primary step.

That may sound harsh, but players, dealers, and casino managers must be in a position to grasp the sport in no time. Example: blackjack table game – each player and the dealer get 2 cards to start out. You draw additional cards to get as with reference to 21 without going over and the top hand wins even money, ties are a push, and Should you get a ten-card and an ace as your first two cards, that’s called blackjack, and also you win one and a half times your bet. Alright, let’s get some chips. Now explain your game like that. In the event you can’t, you can also want to work at the rules. Keep it simple. Remember that slots are more popular now than table games.

What’s the home Edge?

That’s going to be a large a part of your game's success. The casino won’t back your game in the event that they don’t make enough money, and the players won’t flock to it if the chances are too high. The chances at blackjack are about 1 to two percent for the house, dependent on the players’ ability. In turn, the casino holds about 12 percent of all money exchanged for chips. That’s low. Roulette with a nil and double zero had a home fringe of over 5 percent, and the casino holds about 25 percent of all money exchanged for chips. That’s high. Get your game somewhere within the middle and you’ll do fine. Don’t know the percentages? Hire a mathematician to get the precise odds, after which run 10 million hand trials via computer. A hold of 20 percent can be great.

Once you’ve met those two criteria (obviously the sport has to have some play appeal – it needs to be fun and exciting), you’ll want to hire a patent attorney. In step with Roy Ritner, Jr., the inventor of Shanghai Poker, the patent search is a protracted process and will cost up to $10,000 or more. Within the meantime, you’ve got to start on marketing.

Marketing New Casino Table Games

Before entering a casino to take a look at and meet with an executive about your game, you'll need (at the least) computer analysis of the sport results for those 10 million hands of play, neatly placed in a pleasant binder of a few type to depart together with your potential client. You’ll also need a variety of well thought-out, professionally produced, flyers for the sport. These must also include table signs, rules of play, and a colour copy of your table game layout. A REALLY PERFECT PowerPoint or YouTube video is a large help, but keep it short and to the point, showing odds, ease of play, and the way quickly the common dealer can master the game.

What you're on the lookout for is a casino so they can perform a field trial of your game. In Nevada, you’ll want to fill out a slew of paperwork with the Gaming Control Board, post several fees, wait as much as a year for review, after which the sector trial can start. What the casino gives up is their time, casino space, and respect, if the product is a flop. In exchange, they’ll try the sport for as much as 30 days, keep all profits, and expect a very good monthly rate from you must they choose to keep your game in action whether it is licensed. Are you prepared? Trial review fees will also be under $10,000.

When Derek Webb, inventor of Three-Card-Poker was marketing his game, he tried several jurisdiction before managing his first field trial in Mississippi. Smaller markets usually are easier to acquire a trial, and each state has different rules and charges for trials. You’ll spend numerous time at the phone. You’ll also need to spend time at gaming conventions. There are several once a year around the country, but none compares to G2E, the worldwide Gaming Expo on the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Beating the Competition

Of course you’ll must bear in mind what Roy Ritner, Jr. has to mention: “The competition is fierce. There are actually hundreds of games which were approved, but just a tiny fraction of recent casino table games make it to casino floors.” Ritner should know, his father was an original Las Vegas casino owner.

Ritner’s Shanghai Poker has had several field trials and a few success at properties just like the Commerce Casino in California and the Palace Station casino in Las Vegas. The goal is to be confident, be sure that your patent is clear, make certain your game is straightforward to understand, fun to play, and straightforward for live dealers to address. Then, you simply should be persistent. For many inventors, the trouble might be a huge disappointment since the success rate is so low, and the expense so high.

Of course there's also an ideal upside, as Ritner explains, “One success is worth a life of royalties, because a successful game with about 200 tables in casinos might be worth over $2 million a year in licensing fees.” That’s a large apple to shoot for, and there is a new marketplace for online casino table games! Expect to spend $25,000 just getting your patent search, math and simulations, and a few marketing materials done. After that, it’s not tough to spend another $75,000 on travel expenses, convention fees, licensing fees, and legal fees. Better of luck!

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Ten Stuff you Didn&#039;t Find out about Casinos

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Americans have a significant love affair with casino gambling. That's great, but to maintain it great it's a must to curb your enthusiasm from time to time and play within your bankroll. Believe it or not, the casinos were built to provide you an opportunity to make masses of cash. After all your probabilities of doing so are pretty slim, but there's always that chance, and that is what keeps us playing. After all you already knew that, but you may not know a couple of other things.Ten Stuff you Won't Find out about Casinos

ONE Casinos use thousands of cameras. While older casinos just like the Cal-Neva in Reno didn't bother with camera coverage for all in their table games as low as TWO DECADES ago, modern casinos have such a lot of cameras that the surveillance staff, as large because it might be, can't even watch the entire views. After all you never know which of them are being watched at anybody time and everything is digital these days, so video from every camera is on the market for later viewing. When you think nobody is watching, think again!

TWO Casinos lose money on 1 / 4 in their guests. Research shows that while most players finally end up losing money at their favorite casinos; the high cost of the property, staff, and complimentary items keep casinos from beating everyone. In fact those patrons who play little or no or are accompanying real players make up a big part of this group, but there are lots of players which can be actually in a position to win over an extended time frame. This group includes blackjack card counters, however the largest percentage is constructed from players who gamble barely enough to quality for freebies and complimentary giveaways like free rooms and meals.

THREE You may get free stuff! Casinos are all about signing-up new guests to their player's clubs. While you sign-up you can get free cash, a room, a meal, or anybody of a dozen free things. So long as you play you are going to earn additional complimentary gifts. Casinos usually attempt to hold the road on these comps to under 20 percent of a player's expected loss, but savvy blackjack players can earn back the majority in their estimated losses by playing excellent basic strategy.

FOUR You cannot act like an idiot. Well, that is not true, you'll be able to act like an idiot, however the casino can throw you out or have you ever arrested. Although a small percentage of players think they need to be capable of do anything and say anything at their local casino, most properties have strict rules about behavior, and that incorporates language. You can not drop the "F" bomb once you feel like it, and for those who do, the dealer, floor supervisor, or Pit boss may let you know to knock it off. You would not "F" bomb the waitress within the coffee shop, so why do you're thinking that you are able to do it to the dealer? Stick with it and you'll be asked to depart. Resist, and you'll be arrested.

FIVE You may be barred from playing for winning an excessive amount of. A casino is a business, and prefer any good business, the managers watch the base line. In most gaming jurisdictions (Not in Atlantic City) a player who's suspected of being a bonus player (shuffle tracking, ace tracking, card counting) could also be barred from playing specific games. Some properties have even changed their rules of play for video poker players.

SIX You'll be able to always call Gaming Control or the local gaming regulatory agency should you feel you've been cheated. Every casino has oversight, and guest complaints are reviewed. If in case you have a valid issue they're there that can assist you. If in case you have a frivolous complaint or a guest-service related issue, neglect it. Take those complaints to the casino manager. And, don't expect any complaint to be handled on your favor in case you are rude, demanding, and wrong.

SEVEN You cannot cash a check, money order, or cashier's check at many casinos. Those days are over. If in case you have established credit or done the paperwork for check cashing privileges, that's one thing, but you will not be capable to cash a money order or a cashier's check on the cashier's cage. Casinos are within the entertainment business, they usually aren't amused by bad checks. Cashier's checks and money orders cannot be verified and are sometimes forged. Forget it!

EIGHT You may get a check. Although you will have won a considerable jackpot, either on a slot machine or at a table game, and been paid in cash or chips, you will be in a position to get a check to take home as opposed to carrying cash. If you would like a check, ask the supervisor right away, before you're paid. You too can get a part of the payout in cash and part via check at most casinos. Table games are a little bit different, but they can accommodate your request. You will not know until you ask.

NINE It's a must to produce ID when asked. A current photo ID may be essential to prove your age for gambling or drinking, and plenty of casinos demand that any patron at the casino floor has a valid, current photo ID. In case you wouldn't have one, you can be asked to go away. In addition, any jackpot you were hoping to assemble on could also be held on the cage until you produce ID, possibly including a social security card.

TEN Casinos really don't mind in the event you win. Although card counters and advantage players is also asked to prevent playing, gaming management and dealers really don't mind when you win. It's good for business, because a contented customer tells others about their experience, and most players are only holding their winnings for some time until they arrive back and check out again. As for the dealers, they're usually more than happy if you're winning, especially in case you make sure you tip them occasionally. Honest, casinos want you to win!

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Make a Pass Line Bet

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If the shooter rolls the purpose number (on this example, a six) before the seven, then the pass line bet is a winner. That is referred to as “making your point.
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David Cabrera gana un paralelo del L.A. Poker Classic

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Es su segunda mesa final en el larguísimo festival del Commerce Casino, la primera gran cita del año en Estados Unidos.

El L.A. Poker Classic se acerca ya a su traca final, el evento principal del World Poker Tour que empieza este próximo sábado.

Pero este es tan solo uno de los 60 eventos que se vienen disputando en Los Ángeles desde mediados de enero, en el primer gran punto de encuentro de poker del año en suelo estadounidense.

Allí tenemos a uno de nuestros jugadores haciendo patria, David Cabrera, que esta madrugada ha conseguido el triunfo en su segunda mesa final del festival.

Hace 9 días, David había terminado 6º en el Evento #35 570$ No Limit Hold'em Mix Handed, y hoy de madrugada avisaba de un nuevo intento de ganar un torneo en estas prestigiosas series, el Evento #41 Jerry Stensrud 1.110$ No Limit Hold'em.

Curioseando entre los nombres que acompañaban a David en la mesa final nos encontramos con dos campeones del WPT: el estadounidense Sean Jazayeri, que se llevó 1.370.000$ en el evento principal de este L.A. Poker Classic en 2012, y toda una estrella, el alemán Marvin Rettenmaier.

Omar Sharif., que sería el rival de David en el heads-up fue el encargado de echar del torneo al más reconocible de sus finalistas. Cuando ya solo quedaban cuatro jugadores, Rettenmaier disponía de 15 ciegas, que empleó para poner all-in al jugador que había abierto la mano. Marvin llevaba  TsTh y Omar  9c9d. Dio una impresión "Mad Marvin" se iba a meter de lleno en la pelea, pero apareció en  9h en el flop.

David se plantó en el cara a cara con ventaja, y pese a los ánimos del otro aspirante, que venía de eliminar a los últimos tres jugadores, no dio opción a que le arrebataran el famoso trofeo del cowboy a lomos de un caballo rampante.

Con un stack equivalente a fifteen ciegas y tras dos horas de batalla, Sharif se envidó desde el botón con  Jh8h y David hizo el call con  KhTs. Un rey en el flop nos quitó todos los miedos y ayudó a proclamar vencedor al español.

Evento #41 L.A. Poker Classic 1.100$JugadorPremio
1º David Cabrera47.000$
2º Omar Sharif33.440$
3º David Rosenbloom21.490$
4º Marvin Rettenmaier15.920$
5º Bruce Levitt11.950$
6º Levon Torosyan9.560$
7º Kazuhito Oshima7.940$
8º Sean Jazayeri6.360$
9º Casey McCarrell4.700$
10º Osmin Dardon3.480$

Anda que no queda pinturero en la vitrina este pedazo de trofeo.¡Enhorabuena!

Read More... [Source: Poker Red]